So I’ve updated my bread recipe. Interested? Oh, and there are, embedded within this recipe, some works-for-me tips on bread-making. Like how to make it moist(er?) and keep it fresher longer. And all-around-better. So ya know. Honey Oat Flax Bread...
After hearing this question asked multiple times on the same day, a day which was still over three weeks away from the oh-so-exciting train ride, I created the Train Chain. You may remember the Train Chain from your childhood, although you would have most likely...
This week’s Works For Me Wednesday is the “Mooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmm, I’m bored” edition. And while my kids aren’t old enough to say things like that, they sure can act bored. And today, while Benjamin was napping, Olivia was just...
I’ve already established that we have a climber. And it was really only a matter of time before he made his way onto the dining room table. And into the butter. And salt. And napkins. We tried to deter him by pushing all the chairs in, but this did not work for...
My spices live in a tall, skinny, skyscraper of a cupboard. It’s narrow, so fancy schmancy pull-down spice organizers will not work for me. It is deep, so if say, the cumin is all the way in the back, I have to remove the black pepper, red pepper, oregano,...