Remember back I thought potty training would be quick and easy?


I think I may have made a mistake.  I think I maybe should have taken the diapers away.  Totally.  Completely.  And just dealt with the messes.  And just brought extra pants with me everywhere I went

But I didn’t.  We used diapers for naptimes and nighttimes, because I think that’s just common sense.  But we also used diapers whenever we went out.  And whenever Olivia suddenly declared she wanted DIAPERS thank-you-very-much.  And slowly but surely, she has let the excitement of NEW UNDERWEAR die down and she really does not care too much for going in the potty anymore.  Not even with chocalate chips and marshmallows dangled over her head.

In fact, this past week was the worst yet in this so-called “progress.”  She went through more pairs of pants than I care to count.

I just don’t understand.  A couple weeks ago, she would determine that she had to go, rush to the bathroom, take care of the business all by herself, and then come rushing out, beaming with pride.

Now she’s totally nonplussed by her soggy bottoms.

So, rather than let this regress any further, I’ve decided to take some extreme action.  We are henceforth banning the diaper (except for nighttime.)

(And maybe naptime.)

(Because, we don’t have a dryer.)

(And washing that many sheets would seriously backlog my laundry routine.)

But when we go out, she will be wearing underwear.  I will ask her every ten minutes if she has to go potty.

Which, by the way, she ALWAYS answers with “no” anymore:

“Do you have to go potty, sweetheart?”


(Two minutes later.)

“Olivia!  Why are your pants wet?!”


Maybe I can compare it to nipple confusion in a baby.

(Nipple confusion is when a breastfed baby is given a bottle, which requires an entirely different way of sucking, and frankly, is a whole lot easier than nursing.  The baby doesn’t want to go back to nursing, because the bottle is just too convenient.)

Maybe her little bladder muscles have Diaper Confusion.  She goes back and forth so much between diapers and underwear she is confused as to when she has to hold it and when she can just let it flow.  And she’s erring on the side of laziness convenience.

So this is why I hereby declare:

“That’s it.  No more diapers.”

(Except for naptime and nighttime.)

(Because, you know, the laundry.)