Is it just my family?

Olivia did the same thing when she was three.  I’m glad because I don’t have to wonder if Benjamin’s will go away.

For both of them, when they turned three, their little minds started working faster than their tiny tongues could carry out thoughts-turned-words.

Just another patience building exercise for this Momma.

As I listen to an overly excited little boy try to tell me where he found his long-lost toy car….

“I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I found my-my-my-my-my-my car! It-it-it-it-it-it-it-it was in the-the-the-the….”

…I refuse to let my mind wander and my mouth form the all-too-familiar “Uh-huh…. mmm-hmmm… that’s nice!”

It was in a basket.  In the toy room closet.

So just in case your three year old sounds like that, too, don’t worry.  It’s normal.

Or at least it is in this family.