I mentioned my past month has been a bit busy.

So yesterday, our first normal day, I decided to take the day off.

I didn’t get up to run, even though I had missed my two previous runs as well (forgot to take my shoes on our last adventure, oops!).

I didn’t even get up early enough to shower before Josh left.  (I would have had to get up at 6!)  And I didn’t attempt to shower at any point throughout the rest of the day.

Didn’t even bother getting dressed.  Jammies are comfy!

Let the kids watch a movie in the morning. (Actually, Josh put it in when the kids got up at 7.  He even fed the kids before leaving to let me sleep a little longer!)

Didn’t do any laundry.

Did the bare minimum of dishes (one of the two loads sitting on the counter).

It was shaping up to be a lazy day.

A lazy day with four poopy diapers.  Really, Levi?  Four?!

A lazy day with berry-ridden vomit strewn all down the hallway and splattered across the bathroom door.

A lazy day that ended with a freshly bathed babe being placed in my arms… who then promptly peed all down my front.

Of course, my children would choose my day off to cover me in their bodily excretions.  Of course.

When was the last time you tried to take a day off?  Did it go better than mine did?