So I’ve been realizing that I may have never given the last update on San Diego.  Due to questions I’ve been getting, like: “Hey, so whatever happened with San Diego?”  And this makes since, since we got the news in the airport as we were waiting to leave for Colorado.  And the day after we returned from Colorado, I got the news about my mom.  And the day after that, I left for three months.

And the news is:

He got the SMART scholarship.  The San Diego job is paying for his schooling.  He has to work one year with them for every year of schooling they pay for.  He also has to work an internship out there every summer until he graduates.  And the plan is for him to graduate May 2012.  So we’re spending next summer in San Diego (no, we don’t know when we’re leaving or coming back), and we’re moving out there after he graduates, most likely the summer of 2012.

That seems like an awfully dry way of announcing a huge answer to prayer.  I guess that’s what happens when you wait half a year to tell it.

Praise be to God!!!

There, that’s better.

The pay is SO much better than his Teaching Assistantship was.  We can even afford health insurance for the whole family!! (That’s how you know if you’re making it in America, these days.)

And, as I sit here losing feeling in my nose, simply sitting too close to a window in a Midwestern winter, I am also pretty excited about living in San Diego.  We’ve been working on the rest of the family and I think we’ve mostly convinced them to move there with us.  🙂

Speaking of family in San Diego, at my mom’s funeral, I found out I already have some out there!  Small world, right?

So.  In short, we’re moving to San Diego.  Whee!