I Could Have SWORN I Had Salad Dressing…

We had company over on Wednesday and I went all out (as I love to do) for dinner. Lasagna, green beans, garlic bread, and homemade apple pie for dessert. I even picked up an $0.88 bag of mixed salad because, hey, it was only $0.88. And I didn’t have to buy salad...

Ten Painless Ways We’ve Saved $100 This Year

I hung my clothes out to dry. We used cloth diapers. And cloth wipes. I learned to play the CVS game. I made my own laundry detergent. (Until that proved problematic.) I stopped going to the mall. We rented movies from the library. I made our meals from scratch. We...

Frugal Friday: Olivia’s Ten-Cent Bible

A few months ago, we became preferred customers at our local Family Christian Store. We were there buying Veggie Tales for Olivia’s birthday present. When they asked, I almost said no, thank you, I have enough “Preferred Member” cards in my wallet....

Frugal Friday: Unique Leftover Turkey Recipes

Remember the $13 turkey? Even with two extra guests, we still had quite a bit of leftovers. Knowing we were going out of town soon, we bagged up the remaining turkey and put it in the freezer. So guess what we’ve been eating this week? (Hint: The same thing 95%...

Extending the Warm Weather Wardrobe

Benjamin has a total of … three long sleeve shirts. As the weather grew colder I was sure we were going to be heading to Once Upon a Child. And as cheap as the gently used clothes are there, I was still not looking forward to spending the money. Because we had...