Forget Not All His Benefits

“On behalf of the [place that gives out grants], thank you for submitting an application to the [place that gives out grants] 2008-09 Fellowship Program. The reviews of the proposals have been completed and your proposal was recommended for support. We will be...


The QE scores came out yesterday. He missed it by 20 points. His advisor says the pass rate was 40% this year. When I was studying to be a teacher, a professor once told me that tests don’t just reflect how well the students learn, but also how well the...

Just Barely

So we’re done with the QE. We think. Maybe. We don’t know. He comes home, and in his usual cheerful, optimistic demeanor, says, “(Sigh) Well, if I passed, it was just barely. And if I failed, it was just barely.” The grades will be about two...

Notes on Hands

So I just wrote “Pray for Josh” on the back of my hand. Yeah, his QE is today. And I didn’t want to forget to lift him up today in his time of need. Because taking a baby and a toddler to the library and then the park usually occupies most of my...

Day Off

On Friday, Josh took his first day off since our Colorado vacation. Apparently, grad school is hard. And they make you take a lot of [in my opinion] pointless tests. Besides the final exams, which determine whether your hand is fast enough to copy what your...