Levi. The Child Who Gets Into Everything.

Levi, in case you couldn’t tell by the title of this post, gets into everything.  He’s been crawling since Christmas.  He’s been pulling himself up ever since he was able to crawl over to a worthy piece of furniture.  Or pant leg.  Or unworthy piece...

Levi Plays, Too.

Hey guys! Hey, hey, can I play? Guys?  Can you hear me? HEY, I’M TALKIN’ TO YOU. That’s right. Movin’ in. Oooh, a castle?  Awesome. I love playin’ with castles. Is that a Barbie, too? Aw, thanks Brother, I love you, too. Is it me, or is...

Balancing Levi

This is what we do in our spare time. Please pardon the incredibly obnoxious baby-tone of my voice. I was trying to get smiles and wasn’t aware of how close I was to the microphone on the camera.

In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Doing With My Time…

Levi was born 9lb 2.4oz. Forty-eight hours later, he was down to 8lb, 11oz. Five days later, he was up to 9lb 3.8 oz. Six days after that (today) he weighed in at 10lb 7oz. So yeah. I’ve been nursing. Nursing right now, as a matter of fact. Any other NAK...