¿Dónde Está la Basura?

Many, many moons ago, I took classes in high school to teach me the Spanish language. Several moons later, I went on a mission trip to Mexico and realized I remembered NOTHING from high school. While cleaning up from an activity, I needed to find the trash can. After...

They’re Conspiring Against Me

Olivia: Watch Veggie Tales now? Me: No, let’s watch it later, when Michael (the boy I watch) is grumpy. Michael: [Starts screaming] Olivia: Michael grumpy now!

Milestone: First Prayers

Two days ago, at dinner, Benjamin folded his hands for the first time during prayer. ::sniff:: Two days prior to that, Olivia uttered her first prayer before serving us a good heapin’ helpin’ of plastic fruit and vegetables. Her prayer went something like...