Restless Co-Sleeping Baby: What I Would Do

I received another Natural Mommy question from a different friend, this time about co-sleeping: So what happens when the baby you co-sleep with starts crawling around in his sleep? He crawled halfway down the bed and I was afraid he was going to fall right off! But...

Summary of Summery Stuff

So I know I said I was back and then, well, left. Sorry. It’s been a crazy month. We had friends visit for four glorious fun-filled, action-packed days.  I didn’t want to leave you, but they deserved my undivided attention, since I hadn’t seen her in...


But you have to scroll to the bottom for the results.  😀 ————————————————— I saw Rat Race once. Anyway, I’m done with the written portion of the Why I Love My...

What I Love About My Kid Assignment

I’m setting myself an assignment.  Three assignments. One assignment per kid.  And then one for my husband.  Because he deserves one, too. So four assignments. I will write one post per kid (and husband) listing everything I love about them. I’ve been...

Ways That Life Is Not Fair

I have a tan on my legs for the first time in years.  And it has been too cold for shorts. I lost 30 pounds and had to buy new pants.  It made sense at the time to buy shorts instead.  I have been holding my pants up with a belt.  See above. The house we drive past on...