What I Believe: Babywearing (And a Giveaway!)

I believe in the benefits of babywearing. I believe that the sling is better than the playpen, the wrap is better than the exersaucer, and the pouch is better than letting the baby fuss on the floor while I try to get something (anything!) accomplished. Having said...

What I Believe: Coming Friday!

You heard it here first, folks. My next What I Believe post will be this Friday (hopefully before midnight or I’ll be a liar). Part two in a who-knows-how-many-parts series. Specifically in the area (nay, the art) of babywearing. Slings. Pouches. Maya wraps....

What I Believe: Natural Childbirth

I believe that natural childbirth is best. I believe that the female body was created to give birth. We were not created to be cut open so that our babies could be through a man-made hole in our abdomen. We were not created to need the assistance of synthetic hormones...

What I Believe: Coming Monday!

I have finished my What I Believe: Natural Childbirth post!  But rather than post it immediately and catch everyone off their guard, I’ll wait until Monday.  Why so long?  Because I already have a post planned for Friday (How to make your own baby wipes!) and no...

What I Believe

I will be starting a series called “What I Believe” and I plan on addressing parenting issues such as breastfeeding, co-sleeping, natural childbirth, circumcision, cloth-diapering, and babywearing, but I will definately not limit myself or anyone else to...