One Thing I’ve Learned About Potty Training

Take one potty chair: Throw in an entertaining read: And some favorite toys: And, here’s the kicker, add one step stool: And you’ve just set up a work table/play area that will keep a restless toddler ON THE POTTY until, well, her work is done. Works for...

Making Your Own Bread Just Got Easier

When you own a bread machine, making your own bread can be a very simple task. But, you know, I’m all about making it easier. So I started making my bread mixes in advance: Here’s how it works: Each bag contains all the dry ingredients (flour, oats, dry...

My Favorite Online Diaper Stores

So Shannon over at Rocks in My Dryer is shaking things up this week and her usual Tip Carnival, Works For Me Wednesday, is devoted to the online shops we can’t live without. And you know? As much as I would love to say, “Oh, I only shop at REAL stores,...

I Cheated

Last week, we had three different families over for dinner on three different days. ‘Twas a crazy time. Besides the normal mommying, laundrying, and dishes-ing, I had to make three spectacularly impressive meals big enough to feed two families. And if all that...

Boing Boing Noises While Wiping Boys’ Noses

Say that five times fast.  Actually, you know what?  Just say it once. ‘Tis the season for runny noses.  Add to that the teeth violently pushing their way through my little guy’s gums and you get a constant stream of drippage. Oh, but just reach for that...