A Quick “Hi!”

Hello there!! In between breakfast and baths here, but I t hought I'd pop in while the tub filled. My laptop has internet again! Thanks to some fabulous Facebook friends, I was able to completely reset the router here and all of a sudden, it wanted to be friends with...

T-15 Days and D-2,725 Miles

I'm assuming T stands for Time and therefore decided D could stand for Distance.  Or perhaps Destination. I assume things rather than Google them because, well, my blogging time is rare. Because, in a nutshell, I have 15 days to finish two and a half weeks of school...

He Insists on Doing Things His Own Way

I tried to work with Levi (21 months old) on his pincher grip.  I was using clothes pins.  I put one in his hand, squeezed the end with him, noted how it opened, and clipped it to the edge of a bucket. We did that a few times and I got called away.  In my absence, he...

Why I Stay Up Way Too Late

Photo Credit My top ten reasons for not going to bed: It's finally quiet. I have next-to-no fear of being interrupted. My brain can see straight.  (This is a result of numbers 1 and 2). I just meant to do one thing, but that reminded me I had wanted to make a Facebook...