Levi Plays, Too.

Hey guys! Hey, hey, can I play? Guys?  Can you hear me? HEY, I’M TALKIN’ TO YOU. That’s right. Movin’ in. Oooh, a castle?  Awesome. I love playin’ with castles. Is that a Barbie, too? Aw, thanks Brother, I love you, too. Is it me, or is...

Seeking the Lord’s Wisdom over Legos.

I love two year olds.  For every ounce of frustration they give, they repay you with at least two hilarious moments. Such as this one. I had sent Benjamin to his room for Lego battery.  That is, he was beating the Legos. When the timer went off, I went in to get him....

Jesus v. The Shark

So recently, I started to get concerned that perhaps Benjamin thinks Christmas is only for Snobrods and other such luxuries we won’t let him get from the Wal-Mart check-out lane. (Or Meijer.  Or Target.  Or Amazon.com) (Yes, he frequently requests that we search...

A Peek Inside a Two-Year-Old Mind

Benjamin loves the movie Cars.  He received a few of the character cars for Christmas last year, and now whenever family visits, they add to his collection.  Or when I see one he doesn’t have in the grocery store… But we’ve had to stop buying them on...

Hands and Cheeks

Your thumbs run up my smile lines, your palms span ‘cross my cheeks. Your cries fade into hiccups, your breaths turn even and deep. The heat of your hands speak ‘love’ to me, as they tightly hug my face. The heat of my cheeks speak ‘safe’...