Mommy Moment

Josh and I were having a conversation in the car.  It was either yesterday or the day before.  Or the day before that.  The days tend to blur together. Anyway, we were talking.  I had some point I was trying to get across. Meanwhile, in the back, Benjamin was...

Benjamin’s View of Marriage

Olivia drew Daddy a picture for his birthday. It was a picture of him. And me. And heart between us. Her description was this: It’s Daddy and Mommy and  heart between them because they love each other. When Daddy got home, we showed it to him.  And before Olivia...

Arguing With A Three-Year-Old Over Shorts

(Benjamin comes out in jeans on a day where the high is over 80 degrees) Me: Benjamin, it’s too hot for jeans, go put shorts on. Benjamin: No! Me: Yes!  It’s too hot for jeans!  You need shorts! Benjamin: No! Me: (thinking: I am NOT washing those jeans AND...

What I Love About My Three-Year-Old Boy

He is very logically minded.  I adore listening to his reasoning and arguments. He has a fantastic memory.  He is always surprising me with details he recalls from the past.  They do take awhile to figure out, though, as he refers to everything that happened before...

The Three-Year-Old Stutter

Is it just my family? Olivia did the same thing when she was three.  I’m glad because I don’t have to wonder if Benjamin’s will go away. For both of them, when they turned three, their little minds started working faster than their tiny tongues could...