Aspirations of Patience

I know you want Hawaii pictures.  But believe it or not, it’s easier and faster to spit out written posts than to choose, edit, resize, upload, arrange, and caption picture posts.  I am working on it.  Promise....

Could… Could it… Is it Possible? Have I reached a new normal?

Today, for the first time since Levi bounded out of the newborn-I-sleep-all-the-time-and-anywhere-you-put-me phase, I have felt like I know what I’m doing with my day. I’m not just scrambling around trying to accomplish something, (or giving up and nursing...

All Things

Yesterday, I was a horrible Mommy.  Yesterday, I had horrible children. And I was so mad at God about it, I didn’t speak to Him all day. He kept trying to talk to me.  But I turned a cold shoulder. He can do all things, why wasn’t He making me a better...

All or Nothing

I’ve figured something out about myself recently.  I have an “all-or-nothing” attitude.  And I’ve got it bad. When I blog, for example, it’s all or nothing.  Either I blog everyday or I don’t blog ever. I show loyalty towards brands...

Revisited: Hospital Decisions

I do believe last I talked with you all about birthing choices, we were set on driving over an hour to get to a hospital so natural-birth-friendly that they had birthing tubs and doulas on staff. And it was a great hospital. They answered all the questions right. Had...