Mommy Moment

Josh and I were having a conversation in the car.  It was either yesterday or the day before.  Or the day before that.  The days tend to blur together. Anyway, we were talking.  I had some point I was trying to get across. Meanwhile, in the back, Benjamin was...

Arguing With A Three-Year-Old Over Shorts

(Benjamin comes out in jeans on a day where the high is over 80 degrees) Me: Benjamin, it’s too hot for jeans, go put shorts on. Benjamin: No! Me: Yes!  It’s too hot for jeans!  You need shorts! Benjamin: No! Me: (thinking: I am NOT washing those jeans AND...

The Absolute Best Sound in the World

Yesterday, my day started at 5:30.  Hill runs at 6, play date at the zoo at 10, lunch with Daddy at noon.  And I had three loads of laundry and a day’s worth of dishes to fit in there somewhere, as well.  By the time I got home, it was after 2pm and I was...

The Day After Mother’s Day Slump

I had a fantastic Mother’s Day. Really, probably the best ever. I didn’t cook a single meal or wash a single dish. I got my bike fixed.  We got a basket for Lucy.  Then we went for a family bike ride. (Josh had Levi in a bike seat in the front and Benjamin...

Unplugged and Funky

In case you haven’t noticed, I haven’t been blogging much lately. Or tweeting.  Or facebooking. I haven’t logged into Google Reader in months. After Christmas vacation, I started getting serious about homeschooling Olivia.  We needed a set slot in...