Where I Am

Last Sunday I got the call. Monday, arrangements were made and Tuesday, we made the three hour trip. We are staying with Josh’s grandparents who live half an hour from my mom. Josh leaves Monday nights and returns Thursday nights to spend long weekends with us....


Denial is A warm bath Deliciously perfumed Into which I slide and Close my eyes.

Two Months

Are you ready to pray? Josh asks as I stare blankly over his shoulder. I laugh. I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t believe it either, but I laughed. Pray? I’d been yelling at God within the confines of my skull for the past half an hour. Prayer is too...

My Mom Has Cancer

It’s breast cancer awareness month. So it’s time you all became aware of something. My mom has cancer. I feel like it was just last month that she told me she had a lump in her breast, but it was probably a year or more ago.  After radiation and a...